Individual therapy for female identifying pre-teens and teens
Your 10-year-old daughter suddenly wants products for a skin care routine. Or your 14-year-old spends all of her unscheduled time scrolling TikTok, Instagram, or posting to keep up her SnapChat streak.
Family time has been reduced to dinnertime. She doesn’t go outside because she is in her room scrolling. All. The. Time. When you put limits on screen time, you are met with a meltdown—crying, yelling, eye rolling, tantrums.
Your daughter is not wrong or bad. You are not failing as a parent. Your daughter is part of a generation that is addicted to scrolling. The addiction to dopamine is real, that’s why she/they has a meltdown after time on the phone or iPad or laptop is over. It is a sudden withdrawal from constant hits of dopamine – a feel-good neurotransmitter in the brain.
My mission is to create a weekly hour for your daughter to get reacquainted with the actual world, instead of the virtual world of scrolling.
I work with girls ages 11 to 18, using simple art materials, taking short walks outside my office, finding leaves or rocks or lichen to reconnect your daughter to what is real and tangible. These exercises also are a means to teach her about regulating her emotions, getting grounded, and re-learning to play.
Your job as a parent is to read about the effects of scrolling and then take action that feels right for your family.
A Parent’s Guide to Teens, Social Media and Smartphone Addiction by Lisa Buyer
What Social Media Scrolling Does to Teenagers’ Brains Before Bed by Sharon Brandwein
American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers by Nancy Jo Sales
Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence by Anna Lembke
Every parent of this generation is facing the same issue. You are taking the first step towards helping your daughter by requesting an appointment with me.
Click on the link below to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.